Wednesday, September 25, 2013

NAGIOS3 Quick notes:

I've built enough of these things I should remember by now where to make these minor tweaks!  Here's my hacks for future reference to have the default webserver meta-refresh to the internal NAGIOS3 site and have the NAGIOS3 page default to the tactical view

Debian6 (possibly variants - not tested because I use 6)

  • /usr/share/nagios3/htdocs/main.php
    • replace entirely with the following (sorry for screencap because the php tags were getting mangled and I am short on time aka lazy)

  • /var/www/index.html
    • replace entirely

Friday, May 27, 2011


Heading to Montreal for a week - should be interesting! Haven't been to Canada since early 1999 in the middle of winter for a bunch of Y2K prep. What does this have to do with technology? Absolutely nothing I'm just stoked enough about it to write about it on a blog that only two or three people even know exists ... Hi Mom! :P

I'll be sure to take tons of photos with my Xoom, too. Forgot to mention I have one of those and take it everywhere I go. Ditched my not-so-"Smart" phone when I got it too while passing through Raleigh. Guess I should publish some of my stuff about the Xoom ... maybe I'll do that from the train on my way.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Debian 6 [Squeeze]

Alrighty! Time for the completely open edition of Debian with some much needed software updates to stable. Most notable first impressions:

During installation you should have your non-free firmware files ready on a FAT formatted media. Lucky me I only had to worry about my Intel wireless support and I just installed the .deb file post-install and it came up just fine.

My Dell Precision M4300 boots incredibly fast now - under 1 minute!

Will be checking in semi-regularly with tidbits and installation notes for the Dell products that I use (Precision M4300, Precision T3400 & Precision 690 workstations).


Seems Iceweasle has been brought up to par as well. After installing Sun's Java6-jre and Adobe's Flash10, no issues with the Juniper VPN connection and Flash. I was getting "Try again later" messages with Gnash. The Vmware console plugin is also playing nicely.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Corporate Mergers

Well it's that time again where I'm stuck in the middle of a corporate merger. Time to ramp up the documentation machine for a smooth transition and hope for the best. It was always more difficult to handle these back in my early IT days, afraid of losing the job or being pushed out. Now that I have close to 15 years of IT experience and nearly half of that in my current position I'm going to keep a positive attitude. At worse-case-scenario if I do get laid off I'll have more time at home with the family and deal with each day as it approaches. Wish me luck!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sharepoint Extrapolations

So I've heard about this thing known as "Sharepoint" from MS. Interestingly enough, it wasn't as nearly complex as I had initially perceived it to be. Over the last few weeks I've dabbled with the "Basic" setup of a Sharepoint 2007 server, which, I've read, should never be done anywhere in production. At any rate, it was a great starting point and really opened up a new doorway of Geekdom for me. I've installed a couple of sites from templates found on the MS site to manipulate physical inventory and a document collection knowledge base. I'd like to go on for a little more but I'm being pressed into engaging a personal remote tech support call ... be back shortly to clean this entry up a bit and add some worthy materials and whatnot.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Simple .htaccess under Debian/Ubuntu

I'm no web pro and the Apache2 documentation, although very thourough, was way too heavy for what I was trying to figure out. About 90 minutes into epic failure with various how-to and guide sites I was able to mangle my own configuration. Again -- I'm no apache master and I'm not really interested in learning everything to know about Apache right now. There are security concerns to be considered, but I am looking for something simple to protect an internal website. Your results may vary, but my case is that I have an internal webserver that I want to use to host a couple of departmental documents and files - nothing serious or top-secret here. If you are working with a public or internet server this may not be for you but might get you started in the right direction.

Under Debian/Ubuntu there are sites-available and sites-enabled for your virtual hosts. The configuration files for each of the sites are stored under /etc/apache2/sites-available, generally a single text file with the name of the site. In my case, I want to modify the default site as it is the main document root of this particular server.

# pico /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

Look for the directive that has your path you want to protect. Again, I want the document root of this server so I will be editing the seciton with . Change the line (under your directive only) AllowOverrides None to AllowOverrides All

Save the file with CTRL-X and reload the Apache configuration with the following command

# /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

Now that the configuration has been modified you can create the password file and the access file for the directory to be secured. It is a rule of thumb to not keep the password file in the document root so keep that in mind and place it somewhere that the webserver can read but users can not.

# htpasswd -c /path/to/password/.htpasswd username

Once the password file has been created (I called mine .htpasswd) you can add a user later with this command

# htpasswd /path/to/password/.htpasswd username

And to delete a user from this list, use this command (there are no confirmation prompts to delete)

# htpasswd -D /path/to/password/.htpasswd username

With the configuration changed and the password file created (.htpasswd in my case), we can now create the directory access change file called .htaccess. You need to place this file in the same directory that you changed the AllowOverride directive in your site configuration above AND reloaded apache2 or it will not work.

# pico /path/to/directory/needing/password/.htaccess

AuthName "Foo"

AuthType Basic

AuthFile /path/to/password/file/.htpasswd

Require valid-user

The AuthName directive can be anything you want to be displayed in the popup for the username/password box just be sure to encapsulate it between quotation marks or you will get a 500 Internal Server error when you go to test it.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Debian: TaskFreak Installation

TaskFreak! is an open source project and task management tool. Tool is an understatement, this thing is handy! Installing this is listed as easy and JustWorks(tm) but the documentation on it I feel is lacking. I've compiled a list detailed instructions below to get started with a Debian Lenny system and all of the pre-installation requirements.

Pre-Installation packages required:

# apt-get install apache2 mysql-server mysql-client php5 php5-mysql

# wget

# tar -zxvf taskfreak-multi-mysql-0.6.1.tgz

# mv taskfreak/* /var/www/
Note: Be sure that all of the hidden . files get moved as well!

# pico /var/www/include/config.php
Note: Change the three lines listed with //edit me (DB_USER, DB_PASS & DB_BASE). These three variables are how you will be connecting to the MySQL database that we create a few lines down. Do _NOT_ use the root account for this as it will not work (and you shouldn't even if it does)

# mysql -u root -p
Note: You should have been given the opportunity to set a root password for your mysql installation. You will only need this initially to create the database and new user for TaskFreak.

-> create database [DB_BASE];

-> create user '[DB_USER]'@'localhost' identified by '[DB_PASS]';

-> grant all privileges on '[DB_BASE].* to '[DB_USER]'@'localhost' with grant option;

-> exit
Note: Be cautious of the punctuation. Remember that words between [ ] come from your install/config.php file and you do not enter the [ ] symbols, just the words. The ' and ; punctuation marks are specificly spaced and required. There should be a ; after every mysql command or when you press enter you will get a blank -> prompt. If that happens, just type a ; and press enter and it should continue.

Once the above has been completed, open your browser to point to your installation http://server.ip.address/install/index.php. Click the link at the top-left "Check Install" -- there will be errors about missing tables. To correct this, scroll down to the bottom and click the "YES create missing tables for me" button. The tables get created and the database returns a green OK for each element.

Logon to your new TaskFreak! server with the following url : http://server.ip.address/index.html