Wednesday, April 22, 2009

First Post

Initial post for setup and familiarization with the Google blogsite. It's my intent to centralize and publicize a lot of my IT workings and findings with Linux (Debian and Ubuntu) and Windows. From installation guides or quirks I've found doing various projects involving either OS. I'm a linux enthusiast at heart but I have to work with and support more Windows devices. For the most part, I spend a lot of time performing Google-Fu for projects, bugs, installation practices and general work arounds. Although I may invest a decent amount of my time collecting resources from the hard work of others, I will be sure to give credit to where I find my sources and try to keep links current.

Here's my current work rig stats:

Dell Precision M4300
Two 200G SATA (AHCI mode) Hard drives
External Dell 21" Widescreen

I have to get a new digital camera so I'll get some pics of my current work area inserted here as soon as I can get a couple extra $$$. Been keeping an eye out on Woot! for an inexpensive one that's at least 3MP.

I regularly switch between 64bit Debian Lenny and 64bit Windows Vista Ultimate. My primary OS is Debian but rather than work with Vista in a VMware guest I sometimes slum it for a day or two of the week and swap hard drives to the Vista build. Prior to Debian, my primary OS was Ubuntu but I grew very tired of the unstable and very frequent updates.

Some background info ...

I'm almost 40 and have been in IT for nearly 20 years. Married for 13 years now with 5 kids. I like to consider myself a "Jack-Of-All-Trades" in my career and even after all of this time I still haven't dedicated myself to a niche in IT. I have really delved into virtualization with VMware the last couple of years on production and development environments. No formal training ... mostly trial and error and web research by trolling Experts-Exchange and the VMware communities. I'm also considering putting forth some effort into learning a lot more about SQL other than just basic administration.

I've rambled enough -- time to submit this carp... and here's a photo of my old rigs at my desk (A Dell Precision M70 laptop and Optiplex 380 desktop). Once I get that shiny new digital camera I'll get some updated photos.

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